Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

It was an honor to receive this recognition letter for the City of Grants Pass. Thank you to our City Council for all you do to make this a good community.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Come join us at Riverside Park. 5 PM tonight! Dennis Richardson rally... free hotdogs!


Monday, August 18, 2014

I'm pleased to announce that I have been endorsed by the AG-PAC.
It's good to know that those who represent farming and agriculture in our area support my candidacy.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Working the Central Point Car Show. Good stuff. Come about and check out all the oldies.


Friday, August 8, 2014

We are knocking on doors in Central Point tomorrow morning for my campaign. Let me if you are interested in joining us. Families are welcome.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Home Sweet Home...

After a little over two weeks in Iquitos, Peru, I have jumped back in to the fast paced life here in the U.S.A. It's always good to return home. I love Southern Oregon!
Today was my first day back into the meeting upon meeting schedule. I found it intriguing that two unrelated meetings, scheduled at opposite ends of the day with vastly different leaders in attendance both came to similar conclusions about what our community needs. The first meeting was with local pastors and leaders in the faith community. The topic: Engaging Culture. The last meeting of the day was with various business and political leaders. The topic: Economic Crisis. As different as these two meetings and topics may seem, they both came to the conclusion that we have a desperate need for unity in our community. Collectively, we need to focus on the areas where we agree and work together to build a better community. One man or even one group alone cannot build a thriving community. For Southern Oregon to reach its full potential; where INTEGRITY, LIBERTY & PROSPERTIY are the norm, where SAFETY is of minimal concern and JOBS are available to all who are willing to work, we must put aside our differences and work together to develop creative solutions for Southern Oregon. Whether we are business owners or day laborers, educators or students, religious or non-religious, we can unite to salvage our state! As my friend Dennis Richardson is fond of saying"…because Oregon is worth saving.” Let’s do it together!

Please feel free to email me (duane@duanestark.org) your ideas of how we can better our community and work together to improve the great state of Oregon.
